International Maxxforce DT for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.
Adelman's Truck Parts Corp.

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Listed by Rydemore Heavy Duty Seller's Other Engines

Engine Info

Listing ID 120953
Make International
Model Maxxforce DT
Serial No. 7NVXH0466AGB
Cylinders 6
V / Inline Inline
Power 210 Kw / 281 HP
Price 3750

General Info

Condition Runner
Application On-Highway
Cooling Water
Lead Time In Stock

Location Info

Country United States
State MA


Good Running International Maxxforce DT engine assembly. 169,835 miles. 9,907 hours. 52 PSI Oil Pressure. Single turbo. Missing Engine Wiring Harness. Broken Fuel Filter Housing. 120 Day Guarantee.

For More Information Call (978) 342-1100

International Maxxforce DT
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Rydemore Heavy Duty Truck Parts Inc.

Contact Rydemore Truck Parts
Phone 1 (978) 342-1100
Phone 2
Cell Phone
Fax 978 342 1155
Address 88 Benson St, Fitchburg, 01420
Country United States


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Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Duncan Rogers (Engineering) Ltd
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William Geldeard, North West Engine Services, Chester, UK

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Rob Stone, Williams Detroit Diesel-Allison, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

'Urgently needed a diesel engine for a generator set. Found one that suited on DieselEngineTrader. It is very easy to find what you are looking for!'

Trond Paulsen, Norwegian Maritime Equipment A/S


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