for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader
Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.

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Big Bear Engine Company
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
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'Been using since 2010, it's much better value than eBay and works pretty good for us!'

Lius, R & L Diesel Service Inc, Stockton, USA

'I listed a surplus Watermota diesel on DieselEngineTrader. It took a few months to sell, but I was delighted as the engine was quite obscure and I never thought anyone would buy it!'

John MacTaggart Dalintober Boats UK

'Had a Mack 7427 in my shop for 2 years and couldn't sell it! Within a month of advertising on I sold the engine to a guy in Oklahoma - was glad to get rid of it!'

Stan iles, Aqua Fria Aggregates, Arizona, USA


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