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Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.

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Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Young & Sons Inc.
Big Bear Engine Company
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Customer Testimonials

'It took 8 months to sell a Case engine that I listed on - but I was very happy because it had been in our inventory for over 3 years! Was very happy with the price I got for it too!'

Rick Fulkroad, Flight Source Inc., Halifax, USA

'We were looking for a 6SDIT Isuzu diesel but quotes from regular suppliers were too high. Searched Diesel Engine Trader and found a match immediately. As a result, we listed our engines for sale and got our first responses within weeks.'

Dale Gregory, Ontrac Equipment Services Inc, Canada

'Was looking for a Gardner 4LK to rebuild. None of my usual contacts could help me so I searched the Internet and found one on DieselEngineTrader. It was only 27 miles down the road!'

William Geldeard, North West Engine Services, Chester, UK


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